Architects and Engineers
At Kosmos Cement Company, we distribute a full line of masonry cement products, manufactured by the Fairborn Cement Company, and marketed under the MIAMI trade name. These products include Types N, S & M grey masonry cement, MIAMICOLOR colored masonry cement as well as grey and colored mortar cement. All of the MIAMI Masonry Cement products are manufactured under strict quality conditions to provide you with a reliable, consistent product that can be counted on to deliver results time and time again. For more information on a specific product, please click on a link below.
Specification Assistance
Do you or your firm require updated masonry mortar specifications? If the answer is yes, we are here to help. The below link is a master masonry mortar specification that complies with the Construction Specification Institute standards. This document is conveniently formatted in Word and permits specifiers to modify the master specifications for their project.
It also contains added commentary that provides explanation to specifiers regarding choice of mortar and appropriate quality assurance for field control of mortar.
Masonry Training Course Offerings
The Kosmos Cement Company takes great pride in offering the A/E community educational lunch and learns on topics that are relevant and meaningful. Our goal is to empower with information or processes that can be immediately implemented.
Our current offerings include:
"Field Evaluation of Masonry Mortar" Field Evaluation of Masonry Mortar Info Sheet
"Introduction to Masonry Mortar" Introduction to Masonry Mortar Info Sheet
We are always looking for ideas on topics that our local A/E community is interested in, so if you have an idea, please let us know. You can use the Contact Us function or even give us a call at (502) 935-7331. We would be happy to hear from you.
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